
Health Management


Prenatal Resources
Prenatal Education
  • Canadian Guideline for Physical Activity throughout Pregnancy - evidence-based guideline outlines the right amount of physical activity women should get throughout pregnancy to promote maternal, fetal, and neonatal health - provided by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP)
  • Exercise During Pregnancy - a guide for health care providers from the Society of Obestetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP)
Genetic Screening
Diabetes During Pregnancy
Post-Partum Support

Mental Health

  • Stop Abuse in Families (SAIF) Society - working to promote healthy, safe, respectful relationships; serving residents in St. Albert, Sturgeon County and nearby rural areas
  • Saffron Centre - based in Sherwood Park, the Saffron Centre is working to support the healing and empowerment of those who have been affected by sexual violence as well as providing proactive education to surrounding communities
  • Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton - contact SACE for support if you or someone you know have been sexually assaulted recently or in the past
  • Sage Seniors Association - resources on elder abuse, including a Seniors Safe House for people over 60 leaving abusive situations
  • Children's Services - offers a range of supports for children, youth and families in 7 regions across the province; includes culturally specific supports through Métis, Indigenous and First Nation Children’s Services offices, as well as Delegated First Nation Agencies
  • Catholic Social Services - offers a safe place for women leaving abusive relationships, helps homeless youth to rebuild their lives, and enables people with disabilities to live life to its fullest. Offers support for the settlement of immigrants and refugees as well as provide counselling that strengthens individuals and families, helps recovering addicts and supports women facing crisis pregnancies.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Edmonton ADHD Support Group - a registered charity that offers information and support to those living with ADHD in the Greater Edmonton Area through awareness, education, and resources
  • Anger Coping Strategies - a brief guide from the Centre for Clinical Interventions
  • St. Albert Family Resource Centre - offers programs for parents and caregivers on topics including managing stress and the challenges of parenting
  • The Family Centre - an Edmonton-based service offering counselling, group therapy, classes and courses on topics including anger management
  • Catholic Social Services: Family Support Program - the program provides parent education, consultation, and support to improve parent-child interactions; strengthen parenting skills and knowledge, improve communication skills; and enhance problem-solving skills within the family

Recommended resources (available from various booksellers):

  • The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne
  • When Panic Attacks by David D. Burns
  • Toastmasters International - join one of the St. Albert area clubs to become a more confident speaker, communicator, and leader
  • The Family Centre - an Edmonton-based service offering counselling, group therapy, classes and courses
  • Catholic Social Services: Family Support Program - the program provides parent education, consultation, and support to improve parent-child interactions; strengthen parenting skills and knowledge, improve communication skills; and enhance problem-solving skills within the family

Recommended resources (available from various booksellers):

  • Assertiveness Workbook by Randy J. Paterson
  • Bullying Supports - helplines for Albertans
  • Kids Help Phone - crisis support for kids as well as opportunities to connect with other youth and obtain non-urgent counselling
  • - urgent support for cyberbullying, help to remove a sexual image from the internet, and advice for friends and families of a youth in crisis
Caregiver stress
Crisis services
  • a resource from the Mood Disorders Society of Canada providing a forum to learn more about depression, determine if you or a loved one has it, and find out about managing it
  • mindyourmind - a service from the Ontario Ministry of Health aimed at helping young people aged 14 to 29 to build capacity and resilience
  • Antidepressant Skills Workbook - a downloadable self-care manual for adults; provides an overview of depression, explains how it can be effectively managed, and gives a step-by-step guide to changing patterns that trigger depression
  • Dealing With Depression: Antidepressant Skills for Teens - a downloadable workbook for teens that explains depression and teaches three main antidepressant skills you can use to help overcome or prevent it

Recommended resources (available from various booksellers):

  • Mind Over Mood by Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky
Grief (bereavement)
  • Pilgrim’s Hospice - Pilgrims Hospice adult grief programs are open to the general public for any adult who is grieving the death of a loved one or anticipating the death of a loved one; provides both peer support group programming as well as education-focused group counselling
  • St Albert Bereavement Fellowship - a non-denominational, non-profit, volunteer society that aims to provide support through compassion, understanding, education and friendship to those who have lost a loved-one through death
  • Rainbows Grief Support for Children - Rainbows partners with communities to offer a peer support programs for children, teens and adults who have experienced a separation, divorce, death or other painful transition within their family
Postpartum Depression
Substance abuse


Seniors Health

  • Prescription to Get Active - PCN doctors can provide a "prescription" that patients can redeem for trial memberships at participating fitness centres
Advanced Health Care Planning
  • Goals of Care – Conversations Matter - advance care planning is a way to help you think about, talk about and document wishes for health care in the event that you become incapable of consenting to or refusing treatment or other care.
Caregiver Support
  • Alberta Caregivers Association - strives to empower caregivers and promote their well-being by providing resources, mental health support, and education for people caring for family members or friends
Continuing Care
  • Alberta Health Services: Continuing Care - learn more about continuing care in Alberta, including what facilities are available and what they offer, planning for a transition to continuing care, and FAQs
  • CAA: Senior Drivers - find out how aging can impact driving, signs that driving habits should change, how to maintain driving skills, and taking refresher courses
Falls Prevention
  • Finding Balance - learn about fall prevention, including activity and vision tips
Seniors' Centre Without Walls
  • Seniors' Centre Without Walls - a free, phone-based program that offers a variety of interactive health and well-being information sessions, recreational activities, and friendly conversations; open to adults aged 55+ living anywhere in Alberta who find it difficult to leave their homes and participate in social activities in their community